
January 2009 Classes and Events

Arizona University of Magick:

Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th Street (New address!) Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested.

Jan. 2 How to Be a Student
Jan. 9 Candle Making the Easy Way
Jan. 16 Color Magick
Jan. 23 Oils and Essences
Jan. 30 Candle Magick

Ritual Event:

Jan. 31 (Saturday). Candlemas-Imbolc Ritual at Mountain Temple Center.  Imbolc, or the Festival of Brigid, celebrates the growing strength of the God, still in His child form, as well as the return of the Maiden aspect of the Goddess. As their strength and light grow, we grow with them. It is a holiday of light and inspiration, a time when our path becomes more fixed, and the seeds that will grow later begin to stir within us. The Irish celebration of this festival was dedicated to the Goddess Brigid, a triple Goddess who represented inspiration, muse, healing, and the arts. Gathering starts at 7pm, ritual to begin around 9pm. Pot luck tofollow ritual. Limited to those 18 years and older. $5 donation requested. Call (602) 678-0644 for more details or if you have questions.