
April 2009 Classes and Events

Arizona University of Magick:

Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th Street, Phoenix. Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested. Classes taught by Michael Crowley unless otherwise noted.

April 3 Sexy Witch: Wiccan Tantric Ritual 1 taught by Tantra Phoenix

April 10 Sexy Witch: Wiccan Tantric Ritual 2 taught by Tantra Phoenix

April 17 Sexy Witch: Wiccan Tantric Ritual 3 taught by Tantra Phoenix
April 24 Sexy Witch: Wiccan Tantric Ritual 4 taught by Tantra Phoenix

May 1 Chakra Balancing (taught by Michael J. Crowley)

Ritual Event: 

May 2 (Saturday) BELTANE / MAYDAY GATHERING at Mountain Temple Center.  Begin assembling at 7:00 p.m., ritual to start at 9:00 p.m.  Potluck to follow ritual.  Limited to those 18 years or older as this will be a skyclad ritual.  $5.00 Donation