Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th Street, Phoenix. Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested. Classes taught by Michael Crowley unless otherwise noted.
February's classes this year will deal with an in-depth look at the forbidden Gnostic Gospels and how they differ from the canonical Gospels of the Bible. Each class will have readings from the Gospel being studied followed by an open discussion. Copies of the Gospels will be available at the class and can also be found online in various places. Classes taught by Michael Crowley, a priest of the Ekklesia Gnostica Catholica since 1998.
Feb 5 Gnostic Gospel of Thomas
Feb 12 Gnostic Gospel of Peter
Feb 19 Gnostic Gospel of Mary Magdalene
Feb 26 Gnostic Gospel of Judas
Ritual Events at Mountain Temple Center (1533 E. Lupine Ave., Phoenix):
Jan 30 (Saturday) Candlemas / Imbolc at Mountain Temple. Feast to celebrate the return of light, focusing on the Triple Celtic Goddess of Rebirth. Imbolc, or the Festival of Brigid, celebrates the growing strength of the God still in his child form, as well as the return of the Maiden aspect of the Goddess. As their strength and light grow, we grow with them. It is a holiday of light and inspiration, a time when our path becomes more fixed and the seeds that will grow later begin to stir within us. Gathering to begin around 7pm, ritual at 9pm.