Arizona University of Magick:
Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th St., Phoenix AZ. Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested. Classes taught by a rotating selection of AUM/MTC alumni.
Dec 3 Ritual Magick. Various topics relating to ceremonial magick with special focus on Golden Dawn initiate curriculum, but everyone is welcome. Taught by Petros.
Dec 10 The Magick of Chanukah. Is the Menorah just a lamp or does it contain magick and Kabbalistic secrets? What are the other sacred symbols of this festival? Taught by Avery.
Dec 17 Winter Solstice Traditions. Learn about the different ways which the winter solstice is celebrated around the world, from more well known traditions to some never heard of. Taught by Avery.
Special Event:
Dec 18 (Saturday) Santa Chaos Yule at Mountain Temple Center, 1533 E. Lupine Ave. Phoenix. Celebrate (a few days in advance) the longest night of the year, followed by the rebirth of the Sun once again. A time to close one chapter in our lives and look ahead to the unknowns of the new year just around the corner. Pot luck, please bring some food and/or beverages to share. Gathering at 7pm, ritual around 9pm.