
September 2013 Classes & Events

Friday Night Classes at Alpha Book Center

Friday night classes at Alpha Book Center (4532 N. 7th St., Phoenix.)  All classes begin at 7pm and last about an hour. A $5.00 donation is requested but not mandatory.

Sept 6: Show and Tell! Bring in a favorite magical/spiritual object or book that is meaningful to you that you'd like to talk about. We'll let the discussions flow spontaneously as they will! (If you can't think of anything to bring, come anyway and enjoy the meeting.)

Sept 13: Demons are the topic for this Friday the 13th. What are they? How can you deal with them? Discussion guided by Fra. VAL.

Sept 20: Introduction to the work of Franz Bardon (1909-1958). Lean about this little-known European esoteric writer, author of several important books on Hermeticism and the Kabbalah.

Sept 27: Introduction to the Golden Dawn system of Magick with Katrina. Covers the basic groundwork for those interesting in pursuing this spiritual path further.

Events at Mountain Temple Center (1533 E. Lupine Ave., Phoenix).  Call (602) 678-0644 if you have questions or need more details.

Sept 21 (Saturday). Fall Equinox Gathering and Ritual.  Begins around 8pm.  Potluck, party, discussion, and ritual. Open to the public.

Sept 22 (Sunday). Golden Dawn Neophyte Initiations at Mountain Temple Center. Call for more information about costs and requirements. Members & prospective initiates only.


August 2013 Class Schedule

Join us on Fridays throughout August (2, 9, 16, 23, 30) for a variety of discussions on topics of a magickal and spiritual nature. Open discussion, questions and answers, free exploration of esoteric ideas and practices.

Where: Alpha Book Center (4532 N. 7th St., Phoenix, AZ)

When: Friday evenings 7pm-8pm

Cost: Donation basis.

Coming up in September: Fall Equinox ritual (tentatively scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 21) at Mountain Temple Center.