
July AUMM Classes

Friday Group Classes at Alpha Book Center (4532 N. 7th St., Phoenix.)  Classes begin at 7pm.  Suggested $5.00 donation.

04 (Independence Day)  No class!

11 Bibliomancy with Fra. Darrin.  Bring a favorite occult book of your own or choose from the great selection of books at Alpha Book Center!

18 Victorian Sex Magick wtih Fra. Avery.  The Victorians were not as prudish as we think; in fact, they had some colorful ideas about sex and spirituality. Here we learn the names and theories of some of the main contributors to the occult sex magick of that era.

25 Sacred Geometry with Sor. K.


June Classes

Friday Group Classes at Alpha Book Center.  7pm.

06 Basic Invocation with Fra. VAL
13 Enochian Calls with Sor. K.
20 The Work of Robert Anton Wilson with Fra. D.
27 Alchemy 101 with Brady

Special Event at Mountain Temple Center:

21 (Sat.) Summer Solstice Ritual.  Ancient Greek Rite and Chanting hosted by Fra. Avery.