
December 2010 Classes & Events

Arizona University of Magick:

Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th St., Phoenix AZ. Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested.  Classes taught by a rotating selection of AUM/MTC alumni.

Dec 3  Ritual Magick.  Various topics relating to ceremonial magick with special focus on Golden Dawn initiate curriculum, but everyone is welcome.  Taught by Petros.

Dec 10 The Magick of Chanukah.  Is the Menorah just a lamp or does it contain magick  and Kabbalistic secrets? What are the other sacred symbols of this festival?  Taught by Avery.

Dec 17  Winter Solstice Traditions. Learn about the different ways which the winter solstice is celebrated around the world, from more well known traditions to some never heard of. Taught by Avery.

Special Event:

Dec 18 (Saturday) Santa Chaos Yule at Mountain Temple Center, 1533 E. Lupine Ave. Phoenix.  Celebrate (a few days in advance) the longest night of the year, followed by the rebirth of the Sun once again.  A time to close one chapter in our lives and look ahead to the unknowns of the new year just around the corner.  Pot luck, please bring some food and/or beverages to share. Gathering at 7pm, ritual around 9pm.


November 2010 Classes

Arizona University of Magick:

Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th St., Phoenix AZ. Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested. Classes taught by a rotating selection of AUM/MTC alumni.

Nov. 5  Open Discussion on Ceremonial Magick & Golden Dawn tradition.  Facilitated by Petros.

Nov. 12 Principles of Manifestation.  With Avery.

Nov. 19 The Magick of Gratitude.  With Avery.

Nov. 26 Wealth Mantras.  With Avery.


Michael Crowley 1949-2010

High Magus Michael Crowley, director of Mountain Temple Center, died early this morning, Sunday September 19, 2010, at his home in Phoenix.  According to his wife Shari, he died peacefully in his sleep.

On Saturday night (the 18th), Mr. Crowley had a wonderful time directing the annual Tree of Life Fall Equinox Ritual at Mountain Temple.  About 30 people attended, and Mr. Crowley supervised the use of the infamous flaming swords.

Showing no evidence of illness, Michael was energetic and friendly the entire night.  He spoke with everyone, and all attendees were made to feel welcome at his temple for which he felt a huge pride and satisfaction due to all the years of hard work he put into it.

As the ritual ended and the night wore on, Michael made sure to say goodnight to each individual as he or she departed.  After everyone had gone home, shortly after midnight, Michael retired for the evening to his upper room to relax in preparation for Golden Dawn initiations which were scheduled for the next night.  In the morning, a friend attempted to wake him in his bed and found him completely unresponsive.  Authorities were called and Michael was officially pronounced dead. 

Michael Crowley is survived by his wife, Shari, and three sons.  The future of Mountain Temple Center and the Arizona University of Magick (AUM) is currently in limbo.  However, please note that there WILL be a requiem for Mike at our annual Day of the Dead Halloween celebration on Saturday, October 30.

For more information, or to offer your condolences or assistance in any way, please contact Shari at (602) 678-0644.


October Classes & Events

Arizona University of Magick:

Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th St., Phoenix AZ. Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested. Classes taught by Michael Crowley unless otherwise indicated.

DUE TO Michael Crowley's sudden and untimely death on September 19th, future Friday night classes at Alpha Books are currently suspended.  However, interested persons can gather together this Friday (24th) to discuss possible options, such as having revolving teachers (different people volunteering to teach something each week), informal discussion groups, or other ideas

Sept 24 The Future of Mountain Temple Center.  Open discussion.  No charge.

Special Event:

Oct 30 (Saturday) Day of the Dead Samhain Halloween Gathering and Ritual at Mountain Temple Center, 1533 E. Lupine Ave. Phoenix.  Gathering begins around 7pm, ritual to start at 9pm.  $5 donation requested.  18+ only.    This year will be a very special event commemorating the death of High Magus Michael Crowley on Sept. 19 of this year.  As the future of Mountain Temple is currently in limbo, this may also be the final year we hold this gathering.


September 2010 Classes & Events

Arizona University of Magick:

Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th St., Phoenix AZ. Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested. Classes taught by Michael Crowley unless otherwise indicated.

Sept 3 Minor Arcana and the Ten Sephiroth of the Kabbalah
Sept 10 Minor Arcana and the Twenty-Two Paths
Sept 24 The Future of Mountain Temple Center Open Discussion 

Special Event:

Sept 18 (Saturday) Tree of Life Equinox Ritual at Mountain Temple Center, 1533 E. Lupine Ave. Phoenix.  Pot luck, feasting and festival.  Gathering at 7pm, ritual around 9pm.

Sept 19 (Sunday) Golden Dawn Initiations.  Contact Mountain Temple for more information if interested: 602-678-0644  -- Not held due to Michael Crowley's death on the eve of Initiations


August 2010 Classes & Events

Arizona University of Magick:

Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th St., Phoenix AZ.  Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested. Classes taught by Michael Crowley unless otherwise indicated.

Aug 06 Introduction to the Paths of the Kabbalah
Aug 13 Advanced Class on the Paths of the Kabbalah
Aug 20 Introduction to the Ten Sephiroth
Aug 27 Advanced Class on the Ten Sephiroth


July 2010 Classes & Events

Arizona University of Magick:

Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th Street, Phoenix. Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested. Classes taught by Michael Crowley unless otherwise noted.

Jul 09 Elements and the Kabbalah
Jul 16 Planets and the Kabbalah
Jul 23 Astrology Signs and the Kabbalah
Jul 30 Chakras and the Kabbalah

Ritual Event at Mountain Temple:

Jul 31 (Saturday) Burning Man Lammas Ritual.  Gathering begins around 7pm, ritual at 9pm.  Potluck (bring food and/or beverage to share).  $5 donation requested.  Adults 18+ only please.


June 2010 Classes & Events

Arizona University of Magick:

Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th Street, Phoenix. Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested. Classes taught by Michael Crowley unless otherwise noted.

June 4 Magickal Broom Making
June 11 Incense is Best: Making Magickal Incense
June 18 Beginning Ceremonial Magick and Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

Ritual Events at Mountain Temple Center:

June 19 (Saturday) Summer Fusion Solstice Ritual at Mountain Temple Center.   Celebrate the longest day of the year with a focus on the polarity of Fire and Water, Male and Female.  There will be a smoke-cloud shooting cannon and water balloon fight to finish the ritual.  Clothing optional.  Cold food potluck follows, bring something to share.  Gathering at 7pm, ritual starts around 9pm.

June 20 (Sunday) Order of the Golden Dawn Initiations


May Classes & Events

Arizona University of Magick:

Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th Street, Phoenix. Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested. Classes taught by Michael Crowley unless otherwise noted.

May 7 Magickal Tool Making
May 14 Creating the Outer Wand of Double Power 
May 21 The Fylfot Cross: Creating the Magickal Svastikka
May 28 Magickal Tool Consecration

Ritual Event at Mountain Temple Center (1533 E. Lupine Ave., Phoenix):

May 1 (Saturday) Beltane May Day Festival


April Classes & Events

Arizona University of Magick:

Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th Street, Phoenix. Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested. Classes taught by Michael Crowley unless otherwise noted.

Apr 2 Tarot Major Arcana
Apr 9 Tarot Lesser Arcana
Apr 16 Runes
Apr 23 Pagan Sexuality
Apr 30 Chakra Balancing

Ritual Event at Mountain Temple Center (1533 E. Lupine Ave., Phoenix):

May 1 (Saturday) Beltane May Day Festival


March Classes & Events

Arizona University of Magick:

Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th Street, Phoenix. Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested. Classes taught by Michael Crowley unless otherwise noted.

March 5 Astrology And The Kabbalah
March 12 Planetary Seals
March 19 Lilith Your Dark Moon In Astrology
March 26 How To Use The Ephemeris

Ritual Event at Mountain Temple Center (1533 E. Lupine Ave., Phoenix):

March 20 (Saturday) SpringFest Spirit Gathering.  There will be body painting, mud painting, mud hair styling and mud fights, fire rituals, drumming, dancing, pot luck feasting, and hot tubbing.   $5 donation requested; 18+ years old.


February Classes & Events

Arizona University of Magick:

Friday night classes at Alpha Books, 4532 N. 7th Street, Phoenix. Start at 7pm. $5 donation requested. Classes taught by Michael Crowley unless otherwise noted.

February's classes this year will deal with an in-depth look at the forbidden Gnostic Gospels and how they differ from the canonical Gospels of the Bible.  Each class will have readings from the Gospel being studied followed by an open discussion.  Copies of the Gospels will be available at the class and can also be found online in various places.  Classes taught by Michael Crowley, a priest of the Ekklesia Gnostica Catholica since 1998.

Feb 5  Gnostic Gospel of Thomas
Feb 12 Gnostic Gospel of Peter
Feb 19 Gnostic Gospel of Mary Magdalene
Feb 26 Gnostic Gospel of Judas

Ritual Events at Mountain Temple Center (1533 E. Lupine Ave., Phoenix):

Jan 30 (Saturday) Candlemas / Imbolc at Mountain Temple. Feast to celebrate the return of light, focusing on the Triple Celtic Goddess of Rebirth. Imbolc, or the Festival of Brigid, celebrates the growing strength of the God still in his child form, as well as the return of the Maiden aspect of the Goddess. As their strength and light grow, we grow with them. It is a holiday of light and inspiration, a time when our path becomes more fixed and the seeds that will grow later begin to stir within us. Gathering to begin around 7pm, ritual at 9pm.